Hello everybody! Today I wanted to share my next domestic challenge: gardening. Gardening is a bit of an overstatement really. The truth is that I bought a few plants. First, I bought some lavender because I love the smell and all I really want to do is make lavender lemonade. If you have never had the pleasure of trying it, it’s amazing.

Then, I decided to get the cutest and most delicate looking succulents, a plant that I have always loved the look of and knew I wanted to bring into my home. So here’s to keeping them alive!


It’s amazing how just a tiny pop of green can liven up a room! We’re putting this one on our brand new farmhouse kitchen table. I’ll save the pictures of the full room for the big reveal once I get a few more finishing touches….


I’ve really done very little research on how to care for succulents but from the little I have read, I need to be careful not to overwater. I have it in a concrete planter with no hole at the bottom, so I also have to make sure that the soil completely dries out before I water again. I don’t know what I’m talking about at all though, so maybe they will just die.


But for now, they are the perfect centerpiece for the breakfast area. I’ll keep you posted on their survival…