
home decor

in home

The Artifaux Desk

Since we’ve moved into our dream home, my “office” has gone from the kitchen counter to the couch to the kitchen table. The reason? I have been waiting for a specially commissioned desk from my dad and his friend, Paul, or as they have named themselves “Super Duper Office Furniture”.
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in home

Our First Plant: Succulents!

Hello everybody! Today I wanted to share my next domestic challenge: gardening. Gardening is a bit of an overstatement really. The truth is that I bought a few plants. First, I bought some lavender because I love the smell and all I really want to do is make lavender lemonade. If you have never had the pleasure of trying it, it’s amazing.

Then, I decided to get the cutest and most delicate looking succulents, a plant that I have always loved the look of and knew I wanted to bring into my home. So here’s to keeping them alive!
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in diy

Extreme Makeover: KitchenAid Edition

At one time, I found the bright sunny yellow color of my KitchenAid standing mixer cute. I thought it was quirky, spunky, wacky, whimsical. Perhaps that was just a rationalization I told myself so I could get the 30% off that goes along with a discontinued color. I manufactured love for this color for quite a few years. But in my newfound DIY spirit, I took on the KitchenAid Makeover Project.

Cute isn’t exactly what I’m going for in the new house. Which is going to be done in TWO WEEKS! Classic, sophisticated, clean. Those are the words to describe the new kitchen. So the KitchenAid needed a makeover. I roughly followed the directions from Dwell Beautiful. And here follows my interpretation with the quite remarkable result!


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in home

Carrara Marble Stain Test

This post is for the naysayers. For all of the people that gasped and asked “Are you sure???” when I told them I was getting carrara marble countertops in my kitchen. This post is my resounding “YES I AM SURE”. Every home decor blogger has an obligatory carrara marble post. I’ve read many of them and here is the bottom line. Yes, carrara marble is difficult to care for. It is porous. You have to seal it at least once a year and even then, you will get stains and marks no matter what you do. BUT, it’s gorgeous and it’s a great countertop to work on, especially if you bake.

Many people say that if you are a perfectionist, don’t get this countertop. If you are happy with the imperfections that will develop over time (what is referred to as patina), then get it. I had my heart set on carrara from the beginning and nothing was going to change my mind. So I wanted to prepare myself for the future which is why I decided to perform this stain test with this sample that I got from a local fabricator.


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