Sometimes I get tired. Ok, so I work from home and I have nothing to complain about. But sometimes I get tired of the constant grind of working, cooking, cleaning, repeat. So when my husband, yes my husband, taught me this easy dish, it became a key tool in the tool kit.

So tonight we are using some amazing ingredients from Trader Joe’s to make an exceptional 20 minute puff pastry pizza.

Thanks to their monthly Fearless Flyer issue, I found this AMAZING fresh Burrata at Trader Joe’s. It’s a type of fresh mozzarella that has a surprise! creamy filling. It’s delicious. If only I had some fresh truffle to shave on top of it with a bit of olive oil and I would eat it by itself.


You can really put whatever you want on this, but I went simple: cheese, ham, and marinara.


So I started out by thawing the puff pastry according to the instructions. I cut off one leaf to get to my ideal size but you can make the pizza whatever size you want. I then created a quick egg wash and spread it about an inch around the perimeter. Then, I spread some sauce in the middle. I don’t put too much because I don’t want it to make the puff pastry soggy.


Next I added on the toppings!


And watched them puff up in my brand new oven!



After about 15 minutes on 350F in a convection oven, dinner was served!

Puff Pastry Pizza Recipe


  • puff pastry
  • one egg
  • marinara sauce (about 2 tbs per pizza)
  • ham
  • fresh burrata (or mozzarella)


  1. Thaw your puff pastry according to directions. Cut puff pastry to your desired size.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F
  3. Beat the egg. using a pastry brush or your fingers, spread the egg wash around the perimeter of the puff pastry at about 1 inch thickness.
  4. Spread the marinara sauce in the middle of the puff pastry inside of the egg wash. Be conservative with the sauce so that the puff pastry doesn’t get soggy.
  5. Sprinkle your toppings on top of the sauce.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes or until puff pastry is golden.