

in food

Daring Dishes: Canelé

A long time, eons, an age ago, my mother and I decided to make the iconic canelé pastry. Not for the faint of heart, it’s a worthy challenge for any quarantined baker looking for their next time-consuming project. Multiple steps, speciality cooking gadgets, non-standard pantry items, what’s not to like?

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in food, travel

Eating Our Way Through Texas

We had our very first guests in the new house just a few weeks ago. I’ll refrain from showing pictures of the guest room because let’s just say it’s lacking in the decor department. I will however share our weekend of eating because in my opinion that is one of the most important duties of a good hostess; making sure your guests are well fed.

Stop #1: B&B Butchers

When you have out-of-towners coming to Texas, a steakhouse is a must. I decided to take them to B&B Butchers.

The menu has a mouthwatering combination of steaks, sides, and things like oysters, crabcakes and even some bacon dishes. In the end we all ordered 8oz filets with all different sauces. Mine was topped with a red wine reduction and foie gras, one of my guests had truffle butter, the other au poivre, and my husband had it plain. Honestly, it didn’t matter how it was prepared, it was all delicious and cooked perfectly (a rare warm for me).

The crabcakes were divine, the onion rings delightful, and my warm carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, delicious.
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in food

Magic Matcha Cake

I recently discovered what is called “Magic Cake”. From what I’ve gathered, it is called this because one batter goes into a pan, and three completely different layers come out. I can confirm that this occurred. The bottom layer was almost like a gelatin, the middle a custard, and the top something similar to a sponge cake.

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My magic cake recipe happened to call for matcha. Ever since my husband and I went to Morimoto’s restaurant in Maui, we have been obsessed with matcha desserts. Theirs is called ‘Road to Matcha’. And it is with that dish in mind that I created my first restaurant style dessert.
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in food

Easy Night In

Sometimes I get tired. Ok, so I work from home and I have nothing to complain about. But sometimes I get tired of the constant grind of working, cooking, cleaning, repeat. So when my husband, yes my husband, taught me this easy dish, it became a key tool in the tool kit.

So tonight we are using some amazing ingredients from Trader Joe’s to make an exceptional 20 minute puff pastry pizza.

Thanks to their monthly Fearless Flyer issue, I found this AMAZING fresh Burrata at Trader Joe’s. It’s a type of fresh mozzarella that has a surprise! creamy filling. It’s delicious. If only I had some fresh truffle to shave on top of it with a bit of olive oil and I would eat it by itself.

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