Like I mentioned in a previous post, I am extremely susceptible to marketing schemes. And lately, my facebook feed has been flooded with HelloFresh, Blue Apron, HomeChef, and so on and so on. Apparently this is the new way to cook dinner! The reason that this appeals to me is because grocery shopping appropriately for two people is actually quite difficult. I despise freezing food and I don’t like buying meat or fish more than 2 days before I’m going to cook it so I end up at HEB nearly every other day.

Having said that, I don’t have a really compelling reason to try any of these services EXCEPT that they are all offering crazy discounts for your first week! So I have decided to do an experiment for my benefit and for all of you out there that are curious about these offerings. I’m going to get a heavily discounted first week for several of these meal plans and report out on my findings. Week 1: HelloFresh!

HelloFresh: Pan-Seared Chicken


Flavor: 5 | Ease: 5 | Dirty Dishes: 4 | Price for first week: $29

This dish was a great comfort food type dish. I’d like to point out with this particular recipe that the ingredients were beautiful. The chicken breast was so fresh which was evident by how well it cooked. After searing, it was juicy and moist.


My husband loves potatoes. Does it have anything to with him being Irish? No comment. These crispy potatoes were awesome and the creamy dill sauce that went on top just brought it all together. All you do is cut them into cubes, toss with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and throw in the oven. Prep was a breeze.


Similar treatment of the green beans.


Like I mentioned before the chicken was delicious. Perfectly golden and juicy inside.


So you’ll notice that my grade includes number of dirty dishes. Because it can be a grind to cook and clean and cook and clean. every. single. day. The only dishes that got dirty in this dish were the frying pan, cutting board, and two baking sheets (which I line with parchment so that I don’t have to wash them). So I guess I could even say 2?

I paid only $29 for the first week which includes 3 meals for 2 people. Normally this set of meals would be $69 but they currently have a coupon for $40 off! (You should be able to get this discount if you simply google hellofresh and find it in the sponsored link). That means that this is way cheaper than it would be for me to go out and buy groceries for 3 high quality meals for me and my husband. IMG_9779-7

We were extremely pleased with this first dish and with chicken breast, green beans, and minimal seasoning, it was pretty healthy too! Stay Tuned for HelloFresh Meal 2!