

in food, life, London Guides, travel

The Hampstead Guide

I lived in Hampstead for a year. One glorious year. And I still live in close proximity to the Heath and Hampstead Village so I think it’s finally time for me to publish my thoughts on the food up for offer in Hampstead.

In fact, Hampstead holds some of the most restaurants in London that I would actually return to voluntarily. I’ve written about Hampstead before. How perfect it is in every way. If you find yourself in this magical corner of London, this is my top hit list for food.

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in food, photography

Marley Spoon & Me

We don’t get along. As you may know from my previous posts, I am trying out a few meal delivery services like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh. While I have enjoyed the experiment, the novelty is wearing off and unfortunately I am going to take that out on Marley Spoon. One of my biggest complaints about the meal services on a whole is how uncreative it can be. You don’t really get to express yourself or make any choices. But at least they do some of the creative thinking for you. But I found Marley Spoon very unimaginative with their dishes in comparison to the others.

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in food, photography

Blue Apron Week

While I devoted three separate posts to each HelloFresh meal, I’ve decided to condense my findings about BlueApron all into one post. As I make my way through all of these different meal services, I think this will be the most efficient way to share my opinion.

The first thing I want to note about BlueApron, is that I was able to get my first box (3 meals for two people) for absolutely free. Yes, that’s right! Completely 100% free groceries. And after I received my first box, I cancelled. No strings attached, just 3 three meals for my husband and I. It is very difficult to argue with that.

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