

in travel

The Best Stops in Scotland and the Lake District

Scotland is not so far away. Only eight hours drive from London. Sometimes the places that are easiest to get to, take you the longest to finally go to. It was because of this that I demanded to go to Scotland this year. I often make demands of my partner (and of myself!), I find this has a better effect than mere suggestions or subtle wishes. The trip came together at the last minute and some of it just in time which is sometimes the best way to do things. Sponteniety is not my strong suit but I managed a bit of it on this roadtrip.

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in travel

The perfect beach is close to home

Cornwall was the best one yet. Well, no I can’t say that, the excitement is too fresh. A long time ago, I started a series about beaches. The search for the best beach in the world.

There is something about Cornwall beaches. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s full of residents rather than tourists. Or that there is no sunbathing because there isn’t enough sun. Or the fact that everyone is playing with full gusto. But a British beach is just a different thing altogether. And I loved it.

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in travel

Amalfi Dreams

I never wrote about my life-changing trip to the Amalfi Coast! Dear me, I am SO sorry. Sorry for you if you haven’t been to the Amalfi Coast, and sorry again if you didn’t get to experience it vicariously through me! Now seems the perfect time to bring it up again because guess what? You can’t go anywhere. Neither can I. We are all stuck in our respective houses, flats, apartments, shoeboxes, wherever you call home. I don’t know if it’s a particularly healthy thing to do, but many of us are dreaming of our next adventure. I read an article once that said people are actually happiest when they are planning their next holiday, not necessarily when they are on said holiday. So, in this time of quarantine, I hope to give you a bit of happiness and perhaps persuade you towards your next getaway.

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in food, life, London Guides, travel

The Hampstead Guide

I lived in Hampstead for a year. One glorious year. And I still live in close proximity to the Heath and Hampstead Village so I think it’s finally time for me to publish my thoughts on the food up for offer in Hampstead.

In fact, Hampstead holds some of the most restaurants in London that I would actually return to voluntarily. I’ve written about Hampstead before. How perfect it is in every way. If you find yourself in this magical corner of London, this is my top hit list for food.

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in travel

Four Rules for a Successful Girl Trip

Let’s talk about the healing power of a good old fashioned girl trip. Could we call them old fashioned? They probably haven’t been around for very long on account of women having no rights and not being able to do anything or go anywhere without express permission from their husbands. You can see what kind of mood I’m in as I write this.

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