There’s nothing that will get you in the holiday season faster than a visit to Trader Joe’s in November. Starbucks brings back the peppermint mocha and gingerbread latte. Shopping centers start hanging wreaths and garlands. Radio stations become peppered with “Jingle Bell Rock” and if you’re lucky Wham!’s amazing “Last Christmas”. And Trader Joe’s beats them all.

Here’s my Trader Joe’s holiday guide:


Welcome to Trader Joe’s! Fairly priced holiday decor right out front. While they are known for their high quality groceries, I also know them for their beautiful selection of plants and flowers. Always perfectly curated for every season. In the summer peonies, in the winter, wreaths and garlands. And always at a great price.


OK inside we go! $9.99 for 20 roses – not bad! I rarely come to Trader Joe’s with a game plan. It’s a very laid back kind of place. I find that the best strategy is no strategy. Peruse the aisles, graze at their tasting station, treat yourself to some fresh flowers because why not?


Let’s get serious now. Time to find some much needed holiday cheer. Venture into the store and you’ll find the ginger brew. Perfect for holiday punches and cocktails. This is seasonal, so if you want it, stock up.


You’ll never know what to expect here. How about a bundle of herbs? For turkey, or any number of side dishes or stuffing, or maybe just as a rustic centerpiece.


The fall pumpkin craze rolls into the holiday specialties quite nicely. Apparently that is literally the last pumpkin cheesecake for the year so grab your favorites before they’re gone! One day I think I will try to host a Trader Joe’s frozen food only dinner party. Would anyone be able to tell???


Not related to the holidays, but what is this little gem?!?!?!? I love how they make gourmet so accessible. Who says a five star meal can’t be frozen? Ok maybe four star.


Chocolates and other goodies make the perfect stocking stuffers.



If I learned anything about the holiday season last year, it’s that if something takes your fancy, grab it. Last year they had a collection of chocolate caramels that I really wanted to get for my dad. By the time Christmas actually rolled around, they were completely sold out. Heartbreaking.


Yes and yes. chestNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIREEEEeeeeee.


The only flyer I will voluntarily pick up. Turkey and Stuffing seasoned chips? Something to consider for next time…

Let me be clear. The holidays aren’t the only great time to go to Trader Joe’s. This place is pretty much magical year-round. But if you’re finding it hard to get in the holiday spirit, they’ll cure you in a jiffy.