Who doesn’t love a good chocolate chip cookie? The problem is there’s not just one kind of chocolate chip cookies. There aren’t even three kinds of chocolate chip cookies. There are probably thousands of different kinds that can range from chewy to crispy to salty to sweet. Some are nutty, some gooey, some cakey, some doughy, and the list goes on. The trouble is finding the right one.
I have tried several chocolate chip cookie recipes. One of the favorites I constantly go back to is David Lebovitz’s Salted Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. Another one that I have had some success with is this Smitten Kitchen recipe. The point is that there are many and today I chose to attempt an extremely involved recipe. This particular recipe was from Butter and Brioche, a blog that I admire greatly both for the recipes and the beautiful styling of the photos.
The result was a crispy, thin, chocolately, and salty cookie. This cookie was on the rich side due to the heavy serving of both bittersweet and milk chocolate chunks. But as long as you have a big, cold, glass of milk, it hits the spot. I can also say that I have never before put an egg wash on a chocolate chip cookie, but it totally works in creating a crispy glaze over the top of the cookie. You can find this recipe here, but see below for my results.
You will start by creaming the butter and sugar. I have baked enough and procrastinated enough to know better by now than to cheat by not letting the butter come to room temperature. You will regret this, so exercise some forethought and take the two sticks of butter out of the fridge well in advance. Also, be patient and leave this on medium speed for the full 5 minutes until the mixture is fluffy.
Baking takes an attention to detail that I sometimes don’t have the patience to give. I paid very close attention to the ingredients this time around to make sure that I get the exact intended consistency. Some people say that in order to be accurate, it is best to weigh the ingredients. Now I definitely don’t have the patience for that, but I have at least begun to be a little more exact when measuring out amounts and I consider that a good first step.
This was the first chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever made by rolling out the dough. The process is to split the dough (without chocolate chips) into 3 equal parts. Then roll out the three sections into rectangles, and stack them on top of each other, layering in chocolate chunks at each step.
I couldn’t tell you what effect this really had on the final product but it was interesting and fun to do.
This was the final piece of dough that I used a cookie cutter (juice glass) to cut out two inch wide 1 inch thick circles.
These cookies need plenty of room to spread out so do not space them out like I have done in the photo above. They need a good 2-3 inches between them.
And the result. Voila!
The cookies were really delicious! I usually only eat cookies straight out of the oven but I let these cool completely and they were still amazing. Again, it is a crunchier cookie, they won’t stay chewy after they cool. But the flavor is so robust that it really doesn’t matter.
I’m still working on the photography side of things. I used my iphone 6s to take all of these photos and some basic filters from the photo app on my macbook pro.