

in travel

The Perfect Playa has Bicicletas

The Quest continues at Rosewood Mayakoba in the Mayan Riviera. I have a few characteristics to add to the ideal of the perfect beach. It has bicycles. The carefree simplicity of riding a bicycle calls back to a bygone age. Riding a bike is presumably the alternative to walking when you want to get somewhere faster. The irony about biking while on holiday is that by definition, you don’t need to be anywhere. And you definitely don’t need to be anywhere faster.  Which makes the riding of the bike completely and totally without motivation. Which is why it is my next characteristic for the perfect beach resort.
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in food, travel

Tulum’s Hartwood: a sumptous jungle escape

Ah Hartwood. The little gem in the jungle. Smoke rising from the wood burning oven. Trees hanging over rustic tables. People chattering about their good fortune to snag a reservation. The name Hartwood is only one that I heard recently through Camille Styles blog. My husband and I so happened to be traveling to Tulum to shoot a wedding video, and so I read about this restaurant, lovingly owned by an expat couple living in Mexico. A celebration of local ingredients and culture.


From my experience, there are two different ways to do Tulum. One, the vegan, boho experience where you stay in an outdoor cabana, do yoga in the morning, and reflect on the universe. And two, the luxury experience where you stay indoors, shop for expensive linen shirts, and eat at Hartwood.

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