

in travel

Why Denver is a Great (and Weird!) Place to Go

Denver is trending. It was probably always great but only now have people started to take notice. And when I say people, I mean me, because I’m usually a few years behind the trends. I get it now though. The sun is always shining, the mountains are all around you, and there’s a distinct weirdness everywhere you look. Kind of like Austin or Portland. They are so weird that they don’t need to fight for the slogan “Make Denver Weird”. All this made for a great week-long visit to the Mile High City.
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in food

Donuts Are So In

I don’t quite understand how these food trends rise and fall. I mean donuts have been around forever. And they have always been widely regarded as delicious. But why are they suddenly “trendy”? Was I born before my time by appreciating donuts too early? I am not a trendsetter. I’m not even a trendfollower. I am a trendlaggard. I don’t notice that it’s trending until it’s on its way down. So it will be no surprise to you that donuts are apparently hip now. I myself only put the pieces together a few weeks ago.
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