

in food

Daring Dishes: Xiao Long Bao

Like my last post, this is another to fill the dog days of a quarantine summer. Who yet knows what will be the ramifications on the world from this pandemic, but I suspect there is going to be something about new hobbies, cooking at home, and taking on ambitious projects that you may otherwise never have undertaken. For me, I’m not sure I ever had the intention in life to attempt soup dumplings. I enjoy them, but I always relegated them to the list of things that you eat at restaurants, too much work to ever attempt home-made. “Leave that to the experts at Din Tai Fung” that’s what I always thought.

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in food

Daring Dishes: Canelé

A long time, eons, an age ago, my mother and I decided to make the iconic canelé pastry. Not for the faint of heart, it’s a worthy challenge for any quarantined baker looking for their next time-consuming project. Multiple steps, speciality cooking gadgets, non-standard pantry items, what’s not to like?

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in food, life, London Guides, travel

The Hampstead Guide

I lived in Hampstead for a year. One glorious year. And I still live in close proximity to the Heath and Hampstead Village so I think it’s finally time for me to publish my thoughts on the food up for offer in Hampstead.

In fact, Hampstead holds some of the most restaurants in London that I would actually return to voluntarily. I’ve written about Hampstead before. How perfect it is in every way. If you find yourself in this magical corner of London, this is my top hit list for food.

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