Returning to Seattle in October was bittersweet for me. Sweet because I got to catch up with old friends, celebrate my husband’s birthday with world class sushi, and attend a beautiful wedding. But how could I forget the bitterly cold, wet and gray fall season. It’s like when you forget to take your sunglasses off as the sun goes down. But in fall in Seattle, that’s just what normal looks like. Everything is stripped of color and a dark haze makes you want to curl up in bed and do absolutely nothing.


Fortunately we had a reason to get out of bed. And that reason was Sushi Kashiba. Seattlites will recognize Shiro from his namesake restaurant in Belltown. An apprentice of the world famouse Jiro (from Jiro Dreams of Sushi), his sushi was not to be missed. I never felt this strongly about the restaurant but my opinion changed entirely with his new restaurant located right in Pike Place Market: Sushi Kashiba.

This was the spot we chose on one rainy (why even mention it) evening to celebrate Tommy’s 30th birthday! We each ordered our own sushi sets, either the Seattle or the Peak, the latter showcasing some of the chef’s top picks of fish for the night. I have had the pleasure of coming to this restaurant a few times now and I’ll be honest and say that the sushi bar is best. The fish quality is top notch no matter what, but there is a huge difference between table and sushi bar.


I have only recently discovered this to be true in pretty much any sushi restaurant. When you eat at the bar, your sushi is cared for, meticulously prepared, and presented like a gift. You just can’t beat that. But anyway, here are some shots from our meal.



In any case, you simply must finish off with the tamago. It’s the only one that I have tried that has come even close to Jiro’s very own in Tokyo.


All in all, Sushi Kashiba is definitely worth a try, but make sure to reserve your spot at the sushi bar! It’s so worth it! So long from the most miserable city ever! Just kidding, it’s a love hate relationship.


Photo credit to my husband Tommy!