This long Labor Day weekend was one of food and family. Having my brother in town means another pair of hands in the kitchen! And what better opportunity to try my first curry and a peach dessert that have been burning the pixels on my pinterest board for months. First for the butter chicken. This particular recipe was specifically a slow cooker recipe but we made some adjustments and used my dutch oven instead.



We followed this recipe but browned the chicken first, adding it back at the end. And we also caramelized the onions and garlic before adding the the rest of the curry ingredients. And the 4 hours was shortened to about 45 minutes. Making my first curry was easier than expected but we did forget a key ingredient which was the cream that was supposed to be added at the end. As a result, our butter chicken was quite tomato-y but still good!



Now for the main event: Dessert! Behold my favorite dessert of the summer thus far: Broiled Peaches with Mascarpone and Rye Whiskey Caramel adapted from this recipe.


Amazingly good and so easy too. Broil the peaches in the oven (you could grill them too) until soft. Make the caramel in the meantime by melting sugar and water until a deep amber color. Add the cream in steadily and add a shot or so of rye whiskey and a dash of salt to finish. Dollop some mascarpone onto the cooked peach, and drizzle to your hearts content.


After you buy a container of mascarpone and make a jar of this caramel, what’s keeping you from making this every night? So dangerous.