
pork chops

in food, photography

Blue Apron Week

While I devoted three separate posts to each HelloFresh meal, I’ve decided to condense my findings about BlueApron all into one post. As I make my way through all of these different meal services, I think this will be the most efficient way to share my opinion.

The first thing I want to note about BlueApron, is that I was able to get my first box (3 meals for two people) for absolutely free. Yes, that’s right! Completely 100% free groceries. And after I received my first box, I cancelled. No strings attached, just 3 three meals for my husband and I. It is very difficult to argue with that.

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in food

HelloFresh Meal Three

HelloFresh Pork Chops with Grape Salsa

Flavor: 4 | Ease: 5 | Dirty Dishes: 4 | Price for first week: $29

One of my favorite things about these meal services is that it makes a well rounded meal without you having to buy tons of groceries. Each package is perfectly portioned and contains a good protein, vegetable, starch, and garnish/sauce.

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