Yes. But I think I got more emotionally swindled than anything. I paid $2000 for a King Simmons Beautyrest World Class Firm, a queen Serta Formosa Eurotop, box springs, metal frames, and a 43” Insignia LED TV.
The list price for all of these things together was somewhere around $5199. What an amazing deal!!!! OR WAS IT? On the positive side, I don’t think I overpaid. Could I have gotten the price knocked down another couple hundred dollars? Probably. But the part that bothers me the most is that I left the store feeling like I had robbed it. Like I had gotten a STEAL. Well it turns out that this was the board that they set and I played perfectly into their little game.

Here’s how it happened. Tommy and I wandered into a Mattress 1. They had a very confusing promotion going on that was called “Any Size for Twin Price”. The confusing part about this was that it was EXACTLY what it said it was. Come again? “Any Size for Twin Price”. Seriously? This went on for some time with the sales associate. When I really think about it, mattresses are probably made of extremely cheap materials. The $3699 king size mattress that was marked down to $1599 probably cost $20 to make, so either way their margins are ridiculous.
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